Transaction Broker v1.49.0

Posted: February 07, 2020

Transaction Broker is being updated to improve the consistency of data between the legacy environment (terminals and gateway) and the Payment Fusion environment. This includes the normalization of data in the transaction response, via Transaction Read requests, and callback URLs. This release also addresses documentation and some bugs.


  • gateway_result_code, gateway_result_message, gateway_result_text are now being populated consistently between gateways.
  • return_card_data now operates as expected. Explicitly setting this property to true will include card data in the response, setting it to false will omit that data. The default value is false.
  • save_card now operates as expected. Explicitly setting this property to true will return a token, setting it to false not. The default value is false.
  • The Webhooks response now includes the gateway that triggered the callback.

Other changes

  • Decreases the number of callbacks—due to updated transaction information—by increasing the likelihood a terminal will make its finalize call before the Transaction Response Queue (TRQ) is triggered.
  • action_taken has been removed from the API Documentation for POST /transactions/refund/card, since it does appear in the response.


  • POST /transactions now lists 201 as the response code
  • Updated description for GET /prompt_jobs/{id}
  • The description for Error 198 has be changed for clarity

Bug fixes

  • tax_amount property is now being passed to the legacy gateway.
  • amount may no longer be an empty / null string for the following endpoints:
    • POST /transactions
    • POST /transactions/capture
    • POST /transactions/process/(card | ach | cash)
    • POST /transactions/{id}/set_amount
  • Fixes an issue for PFTA—Android where the transaction status returns “error” on successful tokenization using a “save” command.
  • credit_card_token is now null when a transaction is declined.

Deployment schedule

Sandbox — Wednesday, February 12, 2020 between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM PST.
Production — Thursday, February 13, 2020 between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM PST.

Tagged in: Transaction Broker