Transaction Broker v1.54.0

Posted: May 21, 2020

This release adds the option to generate a QR Code that will point to our hosted payment page (HPP) for online payments. Additionally, it extends healthcare data support for transactions that use a token and delivers performance and stability improvements.

New features

  • Generate a QR Code for HPP.
    • New endpoint: POST /scan_codes returns a base64 encode .png image of a QR Code
    • Scanning the QR Code with a device (tablet, mobile phone, etc.) will direct the user to the Payment Fusion Gateway’s HPP.
  • MerchantTransId has been added to POST /hpps

Bug fixes

  • Adds error handling for failed short_url when generating a hosted payment page.
  • Transaction Broker now tolerates long messages in a response from the processor.

Documentation updates

  • Transaction requests require one of client_id or serial_number, not both.
  • message_markdown has been added / updated on th “Prompt Job” endpoint.


Deployment schedule

Sandbox: Thursday, May 28 between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM PDT
Production: Thursday, June 4 between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM PDT

Tagged in: Transaction Broker