Reporting API v1.9.0

Posted: March 10, 2020

The Reporting API is being updated to allow filtering by gateway, improve the consistency on amount fields, and resolve documentation issues and other bugs.


  • Search for, and sort records on the gateway where the transaction was performed.
  • Some amount fields, such as declines_amount, sales_amount, credits_amount, etc., are represented as numbers, while others are strings. All amount-related fields will be represented as double-digit precision strings.


  • Error-response documentation has been improved.
  • source has been deprecated and removed from the API documentation for search and sort fields.

Note: The field is being removed from documentation only. Existing integrations will continue to work; however, transaction records from the legacy gateway via data-feed does not include source values. We will move to using the data-feed for legacy gateway starting April 1, 2020.

ISVs should move away from searching by source to retrieve transaction records from the legacy gateway.


  • Improves monitoring of the Reporting API by employing a URL that returns the health of system and dependencies.


Deployment schedule

Sandbox: Wednesday, March 11 between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM PDT
Production: Thursday, March 12 between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM PDT

Tagged in: Reporting API